Adam Campbell
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Community driven. Community focused.

Staunton is a special place. Our city’s character, people, and opportunities create an exceptional community that we are fortunate to call home. We need city leadership to champion our community and embrace the needs of our citizens in order for Staunton to flourish. As a member of council, together we can continue to move our community forward by supporting our successes, while focusing on our needs.

Current Newsletter

Housing Update:
A Surge of Community Action & Progress

Adam and fellow Council member Brad Arrowood at the first SAW Housing Summit last October.

Housing affordability is a significant challenge across most communities, and Staunton is not exempt. In a campaign newsletter last year, I addressed the ways local government can help, and I am happy to report that since then we have made tremendous strides on this issue, both locally and regionally. We are now developing strategies that not only address current housing realities, but also help us respond to changing conditions with an action plan that targets future housing needs. 

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June Newsletter

A Positive Start

With fellow Council members and city staff at February retreat

This month marks the halfway point of my current one-year term on Staunton City Council and I want to take an opportunity to look back and reflect on the experience, while also sharing what’s next as we work toward a full 4-year term on Council for the upcoming November 2024 General Election.

The past six months have been rewarding, educational, and positive. It has been a pleasure to work together with my fellow Council members. Despite our diverse visions and approaches, it is clear that we are all working toward what we believe is best for Staunton and its residents. These very differences are what allow each of us to bring unique strengths and perspectives to meeting the challenges of city government.

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My Goals as a City Council Member


Collaboration and creativity to improve city services and reduce city costs. Explore new city partnership opportunities, both public and private, to benefit Staunton.

Create Opportunities

Increase opportunities and encouragement for public participation in the local government/decision making process. Through the ability to share your ideas, thoughts and concerns, we can work together to improve Staunton.

Community Benefit

Ensure public investments focus on benefiting the community and improving quality of life for our citizens. Pursue opportunities, beyond local revenues, to increase city funding for public projects that address community needs.

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